Dream Client Profile
Here’s How You Get Crystal Clear About Your Dream Client, So You Can Sell With Ease and Less Sleaze to Clients Who Value Your Expertise!
Enroll in Course
Experience has shown me: when you INTIMATELY understand your dream client, you can…
Enjoy easier + better profits!
- Make business promotions more FUN, less sleazy.
- Write BETTER copy.
- Engage (the RIGHT) clients and build better, long-lasting RELATIONSHIPS with them.
- Build your tribe FASTER.
- Leverage your EXPERTISE easier.
- Express your value with the right words so people say YES.
In fact it is CRUCIAL for you to KNOW your dream client!
If you don’t have the clarity about WHO that person is, then your time, money and marketing efforts are wasted on the wrong people.
If you don’t have the clarity about WHO that person is, then your time, money and marketing efforts are wasted on the wrong people.
It's like fishing in the wrong pond, where fish don't bite or the wrong fish gather... leading to frustration, poor sales and worries!
- Maybe you’re wondering why you should bother defining an “dream client” when you can service a lot more people and make more money?
- Maybe you’re questioning whether this really matters that much?
- Or maybe you even resist this whole “dream client” concept?
Well… there’s something you should know…
But first, let me ask you this:
Do you want to be seen as the expert?
Or do you want to compete for projects, money, and clients?
The thing is: if you want to be seen as the expert, then you need to get crystal clear about whom exactly you’re marketing to – your dream client. And I’ll tell you WHY in a minute.
But first, I want to tell you my experience and how it has affected my life and business.
Before I figured this out for myself I was STUCK.
- I started… and stopped writing dozens of letters, emails, and promotions for amazing product and program ideas, because I didn’t feel they were congruent with me + my values…
- I had no idea how to define my dream client in a way that allowed me to market to her effortlessly.
- I struggled to craft my words in an engaging and compelling way… (in hindsight I know it was because I didn’t know whom I was communicating with).
- I resisted the IDEA of niching down on my market, because I was afraid of losing clients.
- I hated some of my clients, because I felt under appreciated and under valued.
- And I temporarily lost my Mojo!
Truth be told… I had almost given up hope that I’d ever be successful!
I desperately WANTED to power ahead with my mission + vision.
But I was stuck, because I didn’t know how to showcase my expertise in a congruent way. In a way that was aligned with my values, and more importantly… with the values, needs, and desires of my dream client.
It affected me in such a profound way I felt like a failure… a fraud.
Something important was missing!
I wasn’t clear about the type of woman I wanted to serve!
And if you're stuck in that place, then I'm going to help you get unstuck!
Remember I promised to explain WHY having clarity about your dream client is fundamentally important to your bottom line?
Here goes…
In many ways our businesses can be compared to that of fishermen who compete with thousands of other fishermen (your competition) for a large variety of fish (sales)… only your bait is the wrong type and so the fish refuse to bite.
You may think it should be easy to hook some fish onto your lure… because after all, the pond is stocked with hundreds of thousand of hungry fish, right? (People looking to buy from you right now.)
What you don’t know is this: the few that may bite are the wrong kind!
These are your typical tyre kickers, clients looking for cheap, easy and fast rewards.
And time wasters… people who think they are entitled to your time 24/7 – even so they paid you peanuts.
EXACTLY! I think you're starting to see where I'm going with this.
These are NOT the type of fish (clients) you want in your business!
What you fail to realise is this: fish (+ people) have particular tastes. They may nibble on your bait for a while… but when they get a taste for their favourite (cheaper) bait elsewhere, they’ll be off in a hurry… and never come back to yours. This is not a sustainable business model, because you’ll always be chasing the WRONG type of client and eventually burn out, because you’ll end up working longer hours to chase the bigger dollars.
Your time is finite!
If you want to work LESS for MORE you need to niche down – and before you can do that, you need to understand your dream client profile and know who that person is.
This course teaches you how to BE the ONLY fish in a smaller pond.
This removes the need to compete on price with other people who offer similar services and products.
The good news is: with this program you’ll finally be able to organise your expertise and female wisdom in a congruent way, and tap into a market of potential clients who is ready for you to show up.

This program helps you get clarity about your dream client so that you can:
- Work with people who won't question your expertise or prices.
- Build a tribe of raving fans, clients who gush all over you because you're rocking their lives.
- Add more profits to your bottom line because HELLO, you'll get paid more!
- Stress less about money and people in general.
- Boost your online reputation as a leader.
- Rock your visibility.
How much time will this course take?
You'll need about four to eight hours of quiet reflection and creative implementation to complete this course and once you're done you'll love how far you've come already.
I'll see you inside.
Nika xo
Your Instructor

Monika Mundell is a creative badass with a passion for sparkly things, travel + living her FREEDOM lifestyle as a world citizen. She teaches women in business how to write profitable copy with more ease and less sleaze and shows them how to setup a scalable client attraction sales funnel, that will work for them even if they don’t... so that they can enjoy more FREEDOM.
Psst... if you want to friend her, mention the magic word "Unicorn" and she'll be your best friend for life!
Course Curriculum
Dream Client Profile Course Lessons
Available in
after you enroll
StartGetting Started
StartYour Dream Client’s 4 Characteristics – Overview + Instructions
StartStock Words aka Brand Word Canvas
StartHow to Create the Perfect Dream Client PLAYdate
StartWhat Are the 3 Driving Emotions of Your Dream Client?
StartDream Client Mood Board
StartDream Client Canvas
StartDream Client Mind Map
StartConnecting the Dots
Available in
after you enroll
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Who is this program for?
Dream Client Profile is for you if you’re struggling to make (enough) sales, if you're frustrated about the lack of clients and unsure as to how to market your business effectively and with ease,
Do you guarantee results?
I can’t guarantee you definite marketing results because what you do in your business is outside of my control.
What I can guarantee you is this: ‘Dream Client Profile’ gives you clarity on your ideal client if you work through the modules.
This doesn’t work for me… My business is special… no matter how hard I try I cannot niche my ideal client.!
I understand your concerns… I really do. The reason you haven’t managed to niche down your ideal client is because no one has shown you how to do this with your specialised expertise. ‘Dream Client Profile’ is not your typical answer-a-number-of-questions-and-you’re-done type of program. It goes much deeper.
I can probably just figure this out on my own, right?
It’s possible, for sure. If you do your research and accumulate resources from across the Internet you may well be able to figure this out all by yourself… without investing in my ‘Dream Client Profile’ program… And if you do, then by all means, GO YOU.
Why is this different from the other stuff out there?
Because my clients told me so and I believe them. But kidding aside, this is a fun program to complete because it taps into your right brain - definitely NOT your typical program.
I’m male so can I use this program for my business too?
‘Dream Client Profile’ is the perfect companion to empower female business visionaries to get clear about their ideal client and their message. The fact you’re male and reading this letter with intent and interest states your commitment to your dreams.
Therefore I welcome you into the community with open arms. This program suits you as much as it suits the sassy entrepreneur out there.
If you don’t mind getting the odd twinkle of stardust on your sleeves, hang out with like-minded luminaries to illuminate your brilliance... and trail blaze your path across the stars in your own supersonic ways… then let’s do this… come and dance with me and see just how far you can reach…